The Challenge Season 33 — War of the Worlds Preliminary Information
Sources Credit:
PinkRose from Vevmo
NovaRogue from Reddit
Title: War Of The Worlds (Speculated)
Location: Namibia
Cara Maria Sorbello (The Challenge: Fresh Meat II)
Kam Williams (Are You The One? Season 5)
Amanda Garcia (Are You The One? Season 3)
Ashley Mitchell (Real World: Ex-Plosion)
Natalie Negrotti (Big Brother 18)
Da’Vonne Rogers (Big Brother 18)
Jenna Compono (Real World: Ex-Plosion)
Nany Gonzalez (Real World: Las Vegas 2011)
Zahida Allen (Ex On The Beach UK)
Georgia Harrison (Love Island UK)
Natalie Duran (American Ninja Warrior)
Mattie Breaux (Party Down South)
Julia Nolan (Big Brother 17)
Morgan Willet (Big Brother Over The Top)
Liz Nolan (Big Brother 17)
RECENTLY ADDED: Shaleen Sutherland (The Bachelor Canada: Season 3)
RECENTLY ADDED: Dee Nguyen (Geordie Shore 17)
John Devenanzio (Real World: Key West)
Chris Tamburello (Real World: Paris)
Wes Bergmann (Real World: Austin)
Zach Nichols (Real World: San Diego 2011)
Leroy Garrett (Real World: Las Vegas 2011)
Hunter Barfield (Are You The One? Season 3)
Kyle Christie (Geordie Shore)
Paul Calafiore (Big Brother 18)
Josh Martinez (Big Brother 19)
Chase McNary (The Bachelorette)
Gus Smyrnios (Floribama Shore)
Ashley Cain (Ex On The Beach UK)
Theo Campbell (Love Island UK)
João Paulo Andrade (Ex on the Beach Brazil)
Stephen Bear (Ex On The Beach UK)
RECENTLY ADDED: Turabi Camkiran (Survivor: Turkey)
RECENTLY ADDED: Alan Valdez (Telenovelas actor)
o This will be the first season since Invasion of the Champions to not be preceded by a Champs vs.; indicating we may actually get a few weeks of offseason for the show. While I have (mostly) enjoyed the Champs vs. series; it will be nice to get a few weeks to decompress from the show and really get into previewing the new season.
o It’s a mixed bag with this cast. Basically, having half new people will be odd, especially considering their current cast is already expansive and explosive. Last time this happened was Battle of the Bloodlines, but that is not really a fair comparison as they were given a limited selection of people they could pick from and I think their casting department has improved substantially in recent seasons.
o For the most part, I think they did an excellent job casting the female side. While I’m of the opinion Tori Deal should be a casting lock every season she is available for (which also is a good incentive for Jordan to come on); they seemed to do a great job of casting a diverse group who will occupy both sides of the political aisle. Cara’s got some of her girls in Natalie and Da’Vonne, Amanda and Ashley will head the opposition and would expect to have Kam in tow, and Nany and Jenna are best friends who would seem to be inseparable. The only other complaint is a more futile one than anything but bringing back Sarah now more than ever would be awesome; as we’ve never really had a season of Prime Cara versus Prime Sarah and to pair that battle alongside Johnny vs. Wes would be fantastic.
o The guys side is more of a case of missed opportunity than anything; but you can understand why that is just due to the format. Getting Wes is awesome, and you would expect the battle between he and Johnny for supremacy to be the primary marketing point for the season. With that being the case though, I think a more interesting way to play this out would be to get a vet heavy cast to see how they would choose to align between the two heavyweights. For example, if you put Brad, Derrick K, Darrell, Zach, Tony, and CT in between Wes and Johnny; how would they align themselves? It would make for a compelling dynamic, but it’s also hard to recommend anyone in the current cast being removed so you can see why it played out the way it did.
o The current speculation is the theme will be an adjusted version of the Fresh Meat series; where pairs would be made with a Veteran and a Rookie. I doubt the eliminations and voting will follow the same format, but I do hope the pairings will be co-ed, so we get some more physical missions and eliminations.
o Current location speculation is Namibia, which off the Western Coast of South Africa. Interesting that they have decided to back to Africa, it makes for an interesting locale, but it also makes certain types of missions (notably swimming) less common.
Extra Notes
· Jay Starrett and Michelle Fitzgerald from Survivor were apparently really close to being on but were dropped last minute.