The Challenge: Seasons Rankings Results
Listed below are the results of the survey I posted a week and half ago asking people to rate each season from one to ten stars. Rank indicates how the season rates compared to the other seasons. Number indicates the serial numeral the seasons is in the series. Season Title indicates the name of the season. Reddit Score indicates the average rating of the season given through the link that was posted on Reddit. Twitter Score indicates the average rating of the season given through the link on Twitter. Overall Score indicates the average rating when the results were totaled. Overall, 319 people responded through Reddit while 163 responded through Twitter, leading to 482 responses overall.
Some rankings that jumped out in particular were how high Rivals 2, Dirty 30, and The Inferno II were and how low Fresh Meat II and Cutthroat were. I had always considered Rivals 2 and The Inferno II to be underrated overall, but from the looks of it I’m actually lower on The Inferno II than the average person. While I loved Dirty 30, it seems like it gets a lot of hate for its length and the Redemption House so I was happy to see it rewarded here. While I can certainly see why watching it real time could be overbearing after a while; bingeing episodes 6–18 are about as riveting as the series gets. Fresh Meat II and Cutthroat always seem to be referred to as peak Challenge seasons, so seeing them behind The Duel II or Battle of the Exes was very odd. Outside of those however, most of the list more or less falls into place with conventional wisdom. Also, interesting to point out that every season in the top ten has CT on it in some capacity while only two in the bottom ten do.
Huge thank you to everyone who participated!