The Challenge XXX: Dirty 30 Episode 13 Recap and Power Rankings
The episode picks up where we last left off, with the Green Team unanimously sending Cara Maria and CT to the Redemption House. They’re both obviously not happy with this, but they also don’t seem that worried about it either, treating the Redemption House as a vacation. Back at the Redemption House, the Green Team (Tony, Jordan, Veronica, Kailah, Britni) is deliberating as to who they should throw into the Presidio. Veronica and Britni say they want to throw Camila into the Presidio, but Kailah doesn’t want to since Jenna is in the Double Cross and she is worried Jenna will lose to Camila. Tony and Jordan both say they won’t throw in Jenna or Tori, with Jordan stating the guys want to make sure they keep girls they want to run with around. Kailah, Jordan, and Tony all lean towards saying Jemmye; but Veronica and Britni don’t want to. Kailah says that she, Jenna, and Tori have saved Britni since day one even though Jenna Double Crossed her not long ago and Kailah and Jenna combined have only had voting power once before this episode. For the guys, Britni said she won’t say Hunter and Veronica said she won’t say Derrick. Kailah and Jordan both want to say Hunter, but Tony and Britni don’t.
At the nominations, Jemmye is voted unanimously for the girls, but the guys is where things get interesting. Jordan votes Hunter, Britni “burns” her vote on LeRoy, Tony votes Derrick, Kailah votes Hunter, and Veronica decides to make things interesting and votes LeRoy, tying up the votes. TJ says if the team can’t reach an answer then they will all be sent into the Presidio. In the second round, Jordan sticks with Hunter, Britni takes a while then votes for LeRoy, Tony votes LeRoy, Kailah votes Hunter, and Veronica votes LeRoy. LeRoy is stunned and calls Veronica evil (via confessional.) Jenna and Kailah ask Jordan who Jenna should Double Cross if she pulls it. Jordan says she should say Camila if she pulls it, because she is hard to work with and even if she wins in the near future chances the guys who won would be allied with Jenna and Kailah. Jordan also mentions how running a final with Camila would be the worst, which really makes me think he’s running the final with Camila.
At the Presidio; Tori, Jenna, Camila, Hunter, Derrick, and Bananas get ready for the Double Cross. Derrick pulls the Double Cross and sends in Hunter. Jenna pulls it for the girls, and takes a really long time deciding who to throw in before saying Camila. Camila flips out at this (shocker) and starts cursing out Jenna. The elimination for this episode is called Body Check. Competitors have to run at each other with a paper door in between them, run around a bell on the other side of the door, run through the oFther door and ring their bell. First to ring their bell wins the round, first to two rounds wins the elimination. This seems EXTREMELY dangerous and I’m surprised whoever runs Challenge Insurance didn’t call this one off, but I guess that’s why they’re in Columbia. Hunter and LeRoy are first, and they both charge the first door as the bell goes off. Hunter’s a bit quicker to the door and his force slams LeRoy into the side of the door. Both round the bell and smash into each other at the second door. LeRoy tries to run through standing up, while Hunter gets much lower pushes at LeRoy’s waist. Eventually both stumble past each other, and it’s a photo finish at the bell. After reviewing the tape, Hunter gets it by a split second. In the second round, both avoid each other through the first door, round the bell, and in the second door, LeRoy is holding Hunter back with his arm and both are stuck. Eventually they get by each other and stumble towards the bell. Hunter dives for it while LeRoy stumbles towards the bell and it’s another photo finish. Hunter gets there barely before LeRoy and notches the win. However, Hunter hurts his hand and can’t grip anything. Next up, we have Camila and Jemmye. This one’s over pretty quick, Jemmye can barely make it through the cellophane and doesn’t even hit her bell in either round as Camila wins both sending Jemmye into the Redemption House and herself into directing more vitriol at Jenna and Kailah. At the Redemption House, Jemmye and LeRoy enter to see Dario, CT, Aneesa and Cara Maria. Jemmye tells Cara Maria that Kailah was the one who rallied everybody to vote for her, not Veronica or Britni. Cara Maria starts plotting her revenge against Jenna and Kailah and this ends this episode of The Challenge.
In Redemption:
6) Jemmye: Unless the final Redemption is a puzzle or something, I don’t see much chance for her coming back.
5) Dario (-4): I honestly think there is a chance multiple guys come back from Redemption to balance out the game so he gets the boost above Jemmye.
4) Aneesa (-3): I really don’t see her beating Cara in many competitions.
3) LeRoy: Pretty big fall for my #2 last week, but that just shows the unpredictability of this game.
2) CT: LeRoy beats him in an endurance based competition but CT wins most other things.
1) Cara Maria: Really seems to be setting up for her to storm back into the house with a vengeance.
In Game:
11) Britni (+1): She’s been good so far, but seems to be digging herself a hole politically.
10) Tony (+4): Tony’s been making waves lately, but he’s still not respected as a competitor by his castmates and is decidedly an underdog against any male left.
9) Veronica (+2): She’s been the MVP of the last two episodes but that could just be her swan song before exiting the season.
8) Hunter (+5): He’s an absolute animal and I’m not sure anyone left should be favored over him in a physical elimination at this point but he’s still not doing great politically and that hand could rule him out of the competition entirely.
7) Bananas (+2): His ability to go unnoticed during nominations is unparalleled but he hasn’t been that impressive since the first daily challenge.
6) Jenna (+1): She hasn’t been good so far this season and now she has Camila coming for her.
5) Camila (+5): She’s probably due to going into a lot of eliminations but with Cara Maria out of the house for now Tori is the only one I can see knocking her out.
4) Kailah (+1): She’s better than Jenna and in a better social situation than Camila.
3) Derrick (-2): He showed some chinks in his political armor in this episode but he’s still an impressive athlete and has been excellent in challenges so far.
2) Jordan (+2): Is in prime political position and after Bananas is the Final favorite.
1) Tori (+2): Her social game this season has been unmatched and with Cara Maria out of the house for now it Camila’s the only person that could take her out in elimination.