The Challenge XXX: Dirty 30 Episode 9 Recap and Power Rankings

Robert McIntyre
5 min readSep 15, 2017

Man, this was quite the episode of The Challenge. The episode starts with the cast stumbling out of the bus after being at the club. After making out on the bus, Camila and Tonya both stagger into the house. Tony is creepily ogling the women as they get changed for bed, saying to get away from him so he doesn’t get himself in trouble. Camila hears some dogs barking in the distance, and says she “wants the puppies” even though “the puppies have the rabies and the flies.” She then gets Britni to start twerking on her before grinding against a pillar outside the house. Then LeRoy and Hunter start to get into an argument about whether they should go for a strong competitor or a weak one he before Camila stumbles by and wants to know what is going on. LeRoy was stating how the people in power are sitting wondering “who is going to take her out” and Camila keeps asking who “her” is. Things escalate pretty quickly, and Camila starts verbally assaulting LeRoy, and keeps shouting extreme racial epithets at him. She then runs outside and starts to scream when production tells her she needs to stay at a hotel for the night. She slams her clothes into her suitcase while screaming like she’s about to be sacrificed to the guillotine. As she is leaving the house, she throws her bags down and makes production carry them.

The next morning, the cast is talking about last night’s incident and all seem to agree that Camila is a racist vain alcoholic rage machine who has serious problems and needs legitimate psychiatric help. Cara Maria says Camila knows she has a problem but Jordan comments that this season ten for Camila but blowup fifteen or twenty so he’s not sure she does. Camila returns to the house, wearing no shoes, and walks right through Nelson and Hunter’s room without saying a word. She then goes to the Red Room (Dario, CT, Bananas, LeRoy, and Tony’s Room) and asks to see Tony, not even saying anything to LeRoy who is standing right there. At the nominations, TJ starts his usual opening commencement before LeRoy cuts him off. He asks Camila if she has anything to say about her actions last night, and she apologizes in a reluctant insincere tone. LeRoy says he feels bad for her and wants her to do better, before saying he accepts her apology and we can move forward. Camila and Tony pick Nicole and Nelson to go into the Presidio and the show moves forward. We get a quick glimpse of the Redemption House where Aneesa and Cory are flirting constantly while Marie sits by herself and we get back to the elimination.

At the Presidio, there is a pyramid with two pink sides and two blue sides on it. Jordan pulls the double cross and puts in Hunter, followed by Jenna who pulls the double cross and throws in Britni. Jordan and Jenna were the first to pull, which makes me think there might be some strategy to pulling the double cross. This elimination is called “Rampage” the same used for an awesome daily challenge back in “Rivals 2.” This one, however, looks a lot like “Back Up Off Me” from Cutthroat, more commonly known as “The Backpack” Challenge.” In this elimination, you have to drag your opponent down the ramp of your color while attached to them at the back. Britni and Nicole go first, and it’s not much of a contest. Britni grabs the first two rounds pretty easily and it’s over quick. Next up, the matchup between the young bucks Hunter and Nelson. As the first round starts, it looks like Nelson is headed for the win, but Hunter shakily gathers himself and drags Nelson onto the pink ramp, netting the win for himself. The next round, Nelson comes out hard, dragging Hunter and flipping him over his body onto the blue ramp, tying the score. The next round, the two are in a deadlock as both struggle to gain ground. Hunter starts to pull Nelson’s hand, but Nelson is able to grab the side of the blue ramp and pull both of them down giving him the win and sending Hunter out of the house. We get a clip of Nelson saying he wants to be like Hunter when he grows up (Nelson is 28 Hunter is 24), and this crazy episode of The Challenge has reached its end.

In Redemption:

5) Nicole: It appears the Redemption Challenge will be an eating challenge, and I don’t have much faith in her to succeed in that or anything else.

4) Cory (-2): Already lost to Hunter once and he seems to zone in and out at times.

3) Marie: She should easily bet Nicole but easily lose to Aneesa putting her in the middle.

2) Hunter: Outperformed Cory on the curry eating challenge on Invasion so don’t see why he shouldn’t do it again.

1) Aneesa: Being the vet makes her the heavy favorite in an eating challenge.

In Game:

16) Nelson (+1): I really like him and he’s been a physical monster so I hate to put him last but I don’t see how he doesn’t go in every time.

15) Jemmye (-1): Has been the worst athlete so far this season and will see how Camila’s blowup affects her.

14) Veronica (+1): The powers in the house still don’t seem to have her back which should spell the end of her soon.

13) Dario (-3): He’s easily the first one cut from the Red Room alliance.

12) Britni (+1): Another impressive elimination win but still has poor political standing.

11) Kailah (+1): Physical monster but keeps getting thrown in.

10) Jenna (+1): Has been horrible in the dailies but still has great political standing.

9) Tony (-1): Interactions with Camila have to hurt him but seems to be valued above Dario at the very least in the alliance.

8) Camila (-5): Came off horrible after last night’s episode so there is a very good chance she gets thrown in sooner rather than later.

7) Tori: With Camila being a terrible person and Cara Maria being her best friend there’s a chance she breaks through to become the top girl.

6) Jordan (+3): Camila’s blowup has taken all the heat off him and in a final he’s probably co-favorites with Bananas.

5) Bananas (+1): With the Young Bucks about gone the heat’s been taken off of him.

4) Cara Maria (-2): Top female still but it will be interesting to see how Camila’s blowup affects her.

3) Derrick (+2): I find it hard to see him not making the final at this point.

2) LeRoy (+2): His calmness while Camila was screaming at him was inhuman and it should buy him safety for a couple rounds.

1) CT: I don’t see how he doesn’t make the final at this point.



Robert McIntyre

Self described Fantasy Football and The Challenge Expert, mostly incompetent at everything else.